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This is an exciting time for us as a Trust, as we put ambitious plans in place to grow our family of outstanding, good, new and improving schools, in close partnership with our new colleagues.

Schools joining our Trust are supported to maximise core strengths and build on established character, values, commitments and partnerships. It is this track record of building on existing strengths and recognising each school’s distinct position and identity which is at the heart of our award-winning approach to genuine partnership. We are expert at operating in a rich mix of communities, collaborating on the ground, building trust, and adapting to the character and setting of each school.

A relationships based organisation, we recognise that our people make the difference and matter most. The very best teachers and leaders who want to work hard and thrive are attracted to join and stay with the Trust, to engage and inspire children, whilst also developing their own expertise, knowledge and professional careers.

We have high expectations of our staff from the outset, but also of ourselves, to deliver exceptional professional development opportunities, training and support. Talented future leaders at all levels are provided with the tools and experiences they need to prepare them for the next steps in their careers.

Together we are delivering some of the region’s best academic outcomes, real and lasting improvements and, as a result, have grown in size in recent years. We look forward to welcoming new schools into our family; to learning and growing with our new colleagues, and together shaping future focussed educational best practice, for the benefit of all our children and communities.

The Confederation of School Trusts (CST) advocates for joining Schcool Trusts for the following reasons.

  • Deep and purposeful collaboration
  • Strong resilient structures
  • Every child a powerful learner
  • Professional growth and development
  • Solidarity and Interconnectedness
  • Civic duty and public benefit

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Wootton Hope Drive, Wootton Fields, Northampton, NN4 6BU