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Our Trust creates happy and confident learners. We have a collective passion to make all our schools excellent, and put teaching brilliant sessions ahead of bureaucracy, giving teachers the support and resources they need to focus on delivering high quality, inclusive educational experiences.

Our bespoke curriculum reflects the needs of local communities and nurtures aspiration, imagination, moral guidance, fun and creativity, alongside academic achievement, giving every child the opportunity to develop into tolerant, compassionate citizens and fulfil their own unique potential.

Our brilliant schemes of learning provide the foundations for our children to be pioneers of the future. Underpinned at school level by a growing body of knowledge and expertise, and complemented by a holistic ‘whole school’ approach to wellbeing and personal development, our curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced to ensure year on year progress for all. Each year group has a unique set of current curriculum topics and themes which are taught in the order teachers feel are best for their children.

Through adaptive teaching strategies we ensure maximum inclusion for every child, in every lesson, at every school, including all vulnerable learners (whilst meeting their individual needs).


Curriculum content is rigorously and collectively planned to ensure all our children engage in lessons with clear intentions. Each year’s learning is documented and displayed and final pieces of work convey progressive journey and learning impact; incorporating interviews with the children, videos of their experiences, and photographs to document their hands-on learning, progress and achievements.

Impact is best demonstrated by our well-rounded pupils and the outcomes they all achieve (measured against the top 20 per cent of schools nationally) on their journey to becoming innovative ‘secondary ready’ learners and future leaders.


Wootton Hope Drive, Wootton Fields, Northampton, NN4 6BU