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Performance Committee

This is the committee which makes sure that Trust’s curriculum of Fun, Creativity and Achievement is delivered effectively across all schools for all pupils. It reviews performance data of the schools and works to make sure areas of strength are leveraged across the schools and to address any areas of underperformance. Committee members also review attendance levels for pupils and ensure behaviour is in line with the Trust’s expectations.

Finance Committee

This committee has delegated responsibility for the financial management of the Trust. This includes but is not restricted to the review and monitoring of reserves, considering the budget position each term and establishing and maintaining an up to date three-year strategic financial plan.

The committee also oversees efficiency and best value activity including reviewing national financial benchmarking, establishing key performance indicators to increase efficiency across the Trust and review procurement activity.

Audit Risk and Compliance Committee (ARC)

This maintains oversight of the Trust’s financial, governance, compliance internal control systems. It reports its findings every term to the financial committee as part of the Trust’s annual reporting requirements.  The committee is fully compliant in all matters relating to:

  • Safeguarding
  • Data protection
  • Health and Safety
  • Maintenance and care of estates and property
  • Skills and training
  • Risk management

Wootton Hope Drive, Wootton Fields, Northampton, NN4 6BU