Our creative, energetic and highly skilled teaching staff make sure we consistently drive forward standards and deliver improvement regardless of where schools are on their journey. We constructively challenge each other to bring out our very best and through a culture of collaboration, share best practice and the latest ideas.
Attainment in early years is consistently higher than both local and national averages at all the Trust’s schools. Children leave year one as highly confident readers and typically go on to make excellent above average progress throughout Key Stage One also, achieving at both age expected and greater depth levels.
Through proven and rigorous learning structures, and ‘whole school’ approaches to wellbeing and personal development, students conclude their primary journey in year six as happy, confident, resilient learners, ready and excited for their step up to secondary education.
For more information or to book a school visit please contact: [email protected]

Wootton Hope Drive, Wootton Fields, Northampton, NN4 6BU